TDC-7205 EURO Value Couter
In value counting mode,the machine identifies and counts mixed denomination,
there are three counting modes----MIX,SORT and CNT,press[Mode]to select,
you will find a variety of functions.
1. MIX counting mode
For fake notes catching and mixed currency value counting ,the LCD display shows the
total amount of banknotes and their total value, as well as the total amount and value of
each denomination
2.SORT counting mode
Auto detect the denomination of the first note and tick out the different dimensions,also
catch fake note.The LCD display shows"other value" when a different denomination is
3. CNT counting mode
Switch off all CF detection or select the UV/MG/IR,cycle among CF-0,CF-1,CF-2,CF-3, the
LCD display only shows the total amout of banknotes.
4.SIZE Detection
For selecting size detection mode,including width detection,the display shows “SIZE
ERROR” when the second note’s height is 3mm more different from the first banknote.